Friday, January 22, 2010

Weekend Plans

Remember how I mentioned we have a couple home improvement projects to do this weekend?

Well, I'm excited to get them started! I'm hoping to have a productive weekend.

First, the big project is to mount our television over the fireplace. We've talked about doing it since we moved in, and I guess Jon decided that this is the weekend he's ready to give it a go. I'm excited to see how it will look. I think it will save us a lot of space. Jon has to take down the drywall and run all types of cables in the wall, but I know he can do it! We have all the necessary supplies, and are hoping it will turn out something like this:

or this...While he's in the process of wiring all that up, he decided to also go ahead and install my Christmas present in the backyard. That will be another interesting project - it requires him drilling a hole from the inside of the house to the exterior wall to run speaker wire. I can't wait until spring when we can sit out back and listen to music.

While Jon's working on all the electrical/wiring-type projects, I plan to finish the painting job that I started a while ago in our master bedroom. After that's completed, I'll be ready to pick out some fabric and sew some curtains and reupholster the bench in our room.

If the weather's nice, I also want to try to stain our *new picnic table. It seems like I have spring fever already. I'm ready to enjoy the warm weather.

(*new to us, but old to our neighbors who recently moved)

Here's hoping for a productive weekend!

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